Substance Abuse: Causes and Conditions

Substance abuse which is commonly called as drug addiction is becoming very serious problem today in society. It is quite prevalent across all age groups and classes of society. According to survey results by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment in 2019, around 23 % of Indian population between age 10 -75 years are influenced by substance use. In India, most common substance used is alcohol which can be seen all around us. Next in the category are substances like cocaine, nicotine, marijuana, ecstasy, heroine, gaanja, bhaang, hashish etc. Some of these drugs are stimulants and depressants that are legal while others are illegal. But all are hazardous for physical and mental health.

Substance abuse is “excessive use of a substance or a drug resulting in hazardous behavior and continued use by person despite having psychological, social, occupational and health problem.

 Substance abuse disorders more severe forms of substance use where person becomes tolerant and has physiological need for increasing amounts of a substance to achieve the desired effects. And it becomes worse he experiences physical symptoms such as sweating, tremors, and tension if he/she tries to abstain from the drug.

Some common causes for all types substance abuse conditions are:


  1. Genetic disposition: According to research findings, people can be vulnerable for having drug or alcohol abuse problems due to their genes to an extent.
  • Mental health disorder: People diagnosed with substance abuse disorder are often diagnosed with another mental health disorder like anxiety disorder, depression, or mood disorder, ADHD, Schizophrenia and vice versa.


1 Childhood neglect and trauma: Studies have shown that witnessing or receiving abuse,  neglect, loss of a parent, or having a family member who suffers from a mental or physical illness or sexual abuse during childhood often leads to people developing mental illness or substance abuse disorders as adults.

  • Poor parental guidance and family practices:

It is known through some children and adolescents have few common conditions at home–

1. It is a practice in family. So, something as a natural and regular part of life.

2. Children find the substance available in home to try.

3.  family parties where members drinks to relax, enjoy, considered as high social standards to be associated with.

4. Not educating children about bad consequences of alcohol and drugs can have on mind and body.

All of these have to do with thinking, beliefs, values in a family and parents

  • Poor social support/social skills: While familial or spousal support is often a key to recovery from substance abuse, lack of support is a key factor in developing a substance abuse problem. People who have a social support system or a cohesive family are much less likely to develop mental illnesses or substance abuse disorders.
  • Peer pressure Peer pressure has consistently been found to be a cause for teenagers to have started to use for the first time as encouraged by their friends for pleasure seeking purpose
  • Stress:

  People who experience excessive amounts of stress, no matter what the cause, have Increased   chances of substance use.

3.Personal factors

  •  Beliefs and information:

 common belief by abuser e.g.I can stop or I can control whenever I want

 unaware of risks and effects before developing alcohol dependency

  • Self -medication for health, entertainment and sports performances.  If people begin noticing that certain drugs or alcohol cures one of these problems or helps them perform better in a desired area, they are more likely to continue desiring that effect and using the substance. Over time, repeated use leads to addiction.
  • Absence of life goals

THIS is the major reason for addiction problems for young people specially. divagation. With no a goal, aim and aspiration for self…that is when these addictive habits are formed Mentally they are free floating, easily they get attracted and get involved to exciting activity and opportunities.