Recently I visited few old age homes located in Bangalore. I reached out to resident members to offer them psychological guidance and support their mental health as in my understanding it was required. But it was a pleasant surprise as I felt so much warmth and love in meeting them independently. While some homes were maintaining clean and hygienic living conditions and good care systems ,others were unexpectedly pathetic. The residents of all types though were found to bein deep feelings of being ignored and grief and inner loneliness….missing their own people.. family. They had everything that money could buy though. Most of the residents had some or the other medical issues but those  who were having Dimentia were doing better as they had forgotten the issues altogether. They talked ..they sang. I had a wonderful time.. soul enrichment enrichment experience for which I am indebted forever. I will keep visiting this center of love and care for the heartful blessings that each one gave me. On behalf of Saatviki Counselling , I tried to strengthen their faith in the supreme almighty God who sends love and care to all in some form like such homes.

Two days have past and the  faces and voices  are lingering in my mind