SAATVIKI COUNSELLING provides personal counselling to individuals and offers Employee Assistance program(EAP)  to corporates. We help people deal with psychological and mental health issues in their personal, social and work life settings. Each individual and situation is approached with a unique intervention program  that offers relief from the current challenge  and also empower them with strategies to deal on their own in the future as well.

 We utilize conventional counselling therapies as well as techniques based on traditional Indian philosophy and psychology. While adhering to the standard professional counselling practices we render a holistic healing quickly and compassionately. We operate online and in person.


Our life is all about exploring SELF. A pure and sincere process of identifying self desire, self need, self goal- the calling deep within. Being able to recognize that. The right recognition auto releases the essential forces you require to achieve your goal. And that is the way to everlasting peace and happiness. Saatviki counselling services offers to be part of your journey by helping you deal with any personal, emotional and psychological challenges  in the journey of your life.